Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Turtle with a Top Hat

Natalie found this funny little piece of plastic the other day and was using it in many different ways.  At one point she stuck it to the bottom of her glitter wand, and was pretending that it was a sword. 

But I thought what was pretty clever and amusing is that she decided to place this little piece of plastic on top of her ceramic turtle's head as if he is wearing a top hat:

He looks quite happy to have the hat on his head, doesn't he?


  1. HA! You know what that's a driving range tee! But natalie was creative enough to see it as something else.

  2. How cute is that! May we all use our imagination in such an easy way as children do.

  3. Lovely creative mind at play here...I think the children born since the year 2000 are bringing remarkable talents into the world. And it's encouraging.
    Cute hat!

  4. Is this one of those Indigo children type of things? I remember you telling me about them. Creative, curious, empathetic, strong-willed, self-definition and purpose, high IQ, etc. She sure amazes me, that's for sure. We see the strength in these traits.
